Progress & Achievements

Since the launch of Vision 2030, many achievements have supported Saudi Arabia's transformation, enabling the Kingdom to grow its economy, empower its citizens and deliver a future full of opportunity. The 11 Vision Realization Programs were designed to translate Vision 2030 into action and have helped deliver remarkable successes across the three pillars:

• A Vibrant Society: Vision 2030 recognizes the importance of a vibrant society where everyone enjoys a rich, happy and fulfilling life as a strong foundation for economic prosperity. Our vibrant society is characterized by strong roots and strong foundations that emphasize moderate Islam, national pride, Saudi heritage and Islamic culture, while also offering world class entertainment options, sustainable living, care in the community, and efficient social and health care systems.

• A Thriving Economy: A key focus for Vision 2030 is in creating an environment that unlocks business opportunities, broadens the economic base, and creates jobs for all Saudis. We will achieve this by leveraging Saudi Arabia’s unique location and potential, attracting the best talent, and increasing global investment.

• An Ambitious Nation: Vision 2030 is creating a high-performing government that is effective, transparent and accountable. It is empowering citizens, the private sector and non-profit organizations to take the initiative in identifying opportunities for realizing the agenda’s objectives.

Vision 2030 Documents