The SAUDI MADE Program is a national initiative launched by the Saudi Export Development Authority and the National Industrial Development and Logistics Program, which is a key driver to achieve the goals of Vision 2030.

The project promotes national goods and services to become the preferred option internationally, in cooperation with partners from the public and private sectors. It aims to focus on: increasing Saudi non-oil exports in priority export markets, and generating opportunities for Saudi companies. This will be achieved by promoting national products and services under an official identity, “SAUDI MADE” - a certification available to members of the program from registered companies which meet specific program criteria.

Project Objectives

Sub Projects


Holding a local exhibition entitled "Made in Saudi" in 2021


Launching a "knowledge exchange" program to communicate between member companies to use distinctive experiences and expertise on a regular basis


Establishing offices internationally to promote and facilitate access for national services and products in global markets

Saudi Made in Numbers

Learn more about the SAUDI MADE Project