Housing Program

The Housing Program works to provide housing solutions that enable Saudi families to own and benefit from suitable houses based on their personal needs and financial capabilities. The program also seeks to improve housing conditions for current and future generations through the provision of suitable and guaranteed financing solutions. This is in parallel with increasing the supply of housing units at reasonable prices within record time, and the implementation of programs specialized in securing housing for the society’s underprivileged. In addition, it develops and improves the legislative and regulatory environment for the housing sector, thus maximizing the sector's impact on the overall economy. 

The Housing Program was launched in 2018, with the aim of creating a vibrant environment for families and society as a whole. Since its launch, the Program focused on setting new standards for the development of the housing sector in order to enable citizens to obtain various housing options. This support will increase the percentage of Saudi families that own houses.

In the previous stage, the Program accomplished significant success, as it was able to facilitate procedures of immediate entitlement for citizens to real-estate, instead of the 15-year waiting period, which doubled the movement of supply and demand in the Program and its housing options and contributed to increasing the ownership rate from 47% in 2017 to 60% in 2020.

This was achieved through meeting housing demand by boosting access to adequate real-estate through establishing e-platforms like the “Sakani” platform. The Program has succeeded in stimulating supply in the housing sector through effective partnerships with the private sector, represented by real estate developers and house-builders, in addition to the establishment of the National Housing Company and the “Etmam” Center, which facilitated the developers’ journey by providing a comprehensive digital platform. Moreover, the Developmental Housing Program was established as well to fill the gaps in supply for the most underprivileged families, and it worked in partnership with the non-profit sector to establish and rehabilitate more than 350 residential community associations.

The Program also worked on developing and improving regulations as well as regulatory and legislative activities, by establishing the General Authority for Real Estate to be the central regulatory entity for the real estate sector. The Program also launched the lease documentation platform "Ejar platform" to regulate the real estate rental sector in the Kingdom in light of its importance in preserving contractors’ rights.
In the next stage, the Program will resume its efforts to increase the percentage of Saudi families owning houses to 70% by 2030. This will be accomplished by targeting the most underprivileged segments of society. the service to society’s segments and further target the most underprivileged segments. In addition, the Program will boost the attractiveness of the sector for investment by the private sector in an effort to support the stability and sustainability of the sector under different economic conditions.

Chairman of the Program, Minister of Housing, Member of the Council of Economic and Development Affairs

H.E. Mr. Majed Abdullah AlHogail

Board Members

Representative of Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development

H.E. Eng. Sultan bin Jorais Aljorais

Governor of the Saudi Central Bank

H.E. Mr. Ayman Alsayari

Governor of the Public Pension Agency

H.E. Mr. Muhammad Al-Nahhas

Deputy Minister of Industry and Mineral Resources

H.E. Eng. Osama Al-Zamil

Secretary of the Financial Committee at the Royal Court

Mr. Ahmed Al Sheikh

Representative of the Ministry of Justice

Sheikh Abdul Rahman Al-Blehed

Representative Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs and Housing

Eng. Hussain Al-Sudairy

Ministry of Interior

Representative of the Ministry of Interior

Representative of the Ministry of Finance

Mr. Yasser Al-Qhaidan

Representative of the Ministry of Commerce

Mr. Sami Al-Husseini

Representative of the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology

Eng. Fahad Al-Sabhan

Representative of the Ministry of Economy and Planning

Mr. Fahad Al-Mansour

General Manager of the Real Estate Development Fund

Mr. Mansour Bin Madi

Representative of the Ministry of Environment, Water and Agriculture

Mr. Mansour Abu Thanin

Representative of the Public Investment Fund

Mr. Nayef Al-Hamdan

General Organization for Social Insurance Governor

Representative of the General Organization for Social Insurance Governor

National Debt Management Center

Representative of National Debt Management Center

Key Objectives


Provide Saudi families with the opportunities to own suitable housing

Commitments by End of 2025


Of ownership of housing units by Saudi citizens by 2030.


Housing development units provided to support families most in need.


Level of citizens' satisfaction with the services of the housing program.


New financing contracts for the continued provision of real estate financing.


Total increase in the GDP contribution from the sector.


New direct job opportunities for Saudi citizens.

Top Achievements

Delivery Plan

Housing Program Delivery Plan

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