Privatization Program

The Privatization Program aims to enhance the role of the private sector in providing services and making government assets available. This will improve the quality of services provided and contribute to the reduction of costs, also encouraging economic diversity and development, and boosting competitiveness to face regional and international competition. The Program also seeks to attract Foreign Direct Investment and improve the balance of payments. 

The Program was launched in 2018. It seeks to identify government assets and services that can be privatized in a number of sectors, develop the privatization system and its mechanisms, define public and private sector partnership frameworks to enhance the quality and efficiency of public services, and support contributions to economic development.

In the previous stage, the Program succeeded in developing general frameworks for the privatization system through the enactment of the Privatization Law and the establishment of the National Center for Privatization. The Center aims to regulate the system project procedures and to enhance the participation of the private sector in a transparent and fair manner and to ensure the integrity of procedures related to contracts to provide an attractive regulatory and investment environment that stimulates private sector investment in the short and long term.

The Program contributed to activating the private sector's supervisory committees.

In the next phase, the Program will focus its efforts on continuing to build the aforementioned enablers and intensify work to enhance the role of the private sector in providing services, maximizing the value gained from government assets, and raising the efficiency of spending. Moreover, sector privatization strategies will be developed in 16 sectors, including transport, health, education, municipal affairs. This will enable government efforts to focus on legislative and regulatory issues.

Chairman of the Program, Minister of Finance, Member of the Council of Economic and Development Affairs

H.E. Mr. Mohammed Abdullah Al-Jadaan

Board Members

Minister of Environment, Water and Agriculture

H.E. Eng. Abdulrahman Abdulmohsen AlFadley

Minister of Investment

H.E. Eng. Khalid Abdulaziz Alfalih

Minister of Municipal and Rural Affairs and Housing

H.E. Mr. Majed Abdullah AlHogail

Minister of Human Resources and Social Development

H.E. Eng. Ahmed Solaiman Al-Rajhi

Minister of Education

H.E. Mr. Yousef Abdullah Albenyan

Chairman of Local Content and Government Procurement Authority

H.E. Mr. Bandar Ibrahim Alkhorayef

Minister of Transport and Logistics Services

H.E. Eng. Saleh Nasser Al-Jasser

Minister of Economy and Planning

H.E. Mr. Faisal bin Fadel Al-Ibrahim

Minister of Health

Eng. Fahad bin Abdulrahman Al-Jalajel

Minister of State Member of the Council of Ministers

H.E. Dr. Hamad Mohammed Al Sheikh

Key Objectives


Unlock state-owned assets for the private sector


Privatize selected government services

Commitments by End of 2025


Total government revenues (non-oil revenues).

SAR 62Bn.

Total value of investments from public-private partnerships.


Total financial value for efficient government spending through partnership operations.

Top Achievements