Quality of Life Program

The Quality of Life Program aims to improve the individual and families’ quality of life by creating the necessary environment to develop and support new liveable and lifestyle options in Saudi Arabia. These options will bolster the participation of citizens, residents and visitors in cultural, entertainment, sports, tourism, and urban activities, and other related activities that nurture their quality of life. Such diverse options will have their own economic and social impact by creating jobs, diversifying economic activity, and consequently boosting Saudi cities' ranking amongst the World’s top liveable cities.

The Program was launched in 2018 to expand the horizons of many sectors that directly impact citizens, including sports, culture and entertainment. It worked on diversifying entertainment opportunities, such as inaugurating the first cinema in Saudi Arabia and organizing many international events, such as the “Dakar Rally.” In addition, the Program actively contributed to establishing a number of cultural museums and music festivals. The Program has also invested in developing the Kingdom's human capital in these sectors, launching several academies and programs, such as the Talent Development Program and the Mahd Sports Academy.

The Program also focuses on developing the tourism sector in the Kingdom as well as contributing to strengthening the Kingdom’s position as a global tourist destination, achieving tangible accomplishments. This includes launching the tourist visa scheme and increasing the number of registered sites on the UNESCO World Heritage List in addition to localizing leadership professions in the hospitality sector. The Program also establishes enabling mechanisms for the private sector and automates the licensing process to facilitate investment and establishing development funds such as The Nomow Cultural Fund.

In the next phase, the Program will continue its efforts in empowering the sectors of culture, heritage, sports, entertainment and tourism. The Program enables the hobbies sector by establishing regulations and club licensing, in addition to supporting its sustainability and success as an important lever in increasing quality of life. The municipal services sector is also one that the Program has recently received great initiatives in the areas of urban landscape beautification, city humanization, and city services enhancement. Such initiatives will help focus the efforts on all aspects of quality of life and secure high living standards for the Kingdom’s residents and visitors.

With a strong belief in the vital role the private sector plays, the Program will also work on developing the necessary policies and regulations to facilitate the private sector’s investments in the above sectors ensuring their continuous development and sustainability.

Chairman of the Program, Minister of Tourism

H.E. Mr. Ahmed bin Aqeel Al-Khateeb

Board Members

Vice Minister of Sport

H.E. Bader Alkadi

Representative of Ministry of Tourism

H.H. Princess Haifa Al Saud

Minister of Municipal and Rural Affairs and Housing

H.E. Mr. Majed AlHogail

Chairman of the Board of Directors of the General Entertainment Authority

H.E. Mr. Turki bin Abdul Mohsen Al Sheikh

Head of Development Authorities Support Office

H.E. Eng. Ibrahim bin Muhammad AlSultan

Representative of Ministry of Commerce

H.E. Dr. Saad AlQasabi

Representative of Ministry of Culture

H.E. Mr. Hamid Muhammad Fayez

Representative of Minister of Education

H.E. Dr. Saad AlFahid

Representative of Ministry of Economy and Planning

Mr. Firas Nazar Shuraif

Representative of Ministry of Communications and Information Technology

Dr. Ibrahim bin Mahmoud Babelli

Representative of Ministry of Health

Dr. Hani bin Abdulaziz Joukhadar

Representative of Ministry of Environment, Water and Agriculture

Dr. Osama Fakiha

Representative of Ministry of Media

Dr. Fahd Al Aqran

Representative of Ministry of Interior

Counselor Raed bin Abdullah bin Ahmed

Representative ofEvents Center

Eng. Faisal Bafart

Chief Executive Officer of Quality of Life Program

Mr. Khalid bin Abdullah AlBaker

Key Objectives


Promoting sports activities in the community


Achieving excellence in several sports regionally and internationally


Boosting Saudi contribution to arts and culture


Developing and diversifying entertainment opportunities to meet the needs of the population


Improving the living conditions of expatriates


Developing the tourism sector


Preserving and introducing the Kingdom's Islamic, Arab and national heritage


Improving the urban landscape in Saudi cities


Upgrading the quality of services provided in Saudi cities


Enhancing community immunity against drugs

Commitments by End of 2030


Saudi cities among the top 100 most livable cities.


Employees in Saudi cultural sector.


As a percentage in the level of confidence in security services.


Of individuals who practice sports and physical activities on weekly basis.


Entertainment attractions.


Direct employees in the tourism sector.

Top Achievements

Delivery Plan

Quality of Life Program Delivery Plan

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